All sanctioned tournaments will now be found at the link below:
We will no longer be posting all active tournaments on this page-you can simply click the link above and see ALL of the SDYSA sanctioned tournaments in South Dakota, as well as surrounding states!
Screenshots with steps are below.

We will no longer be posting all active tournaments on this page-you can simply click the link above and see ALL of the SDYSA sanctioned tournaments in South Dakota, as well as surrounding states! Screenshots with steps are above.
All South Dakota tournaments, programs, and events that are sanctioned by the state association can be found at the link through HTG. If you do not see a tournament, program or event listed below then they could be an event that is not sanctioned by the state. What does this mean?
- Any SDYSA registered players participating in a league, tournament, program or event not sanctioned by SDYSA/USYS are not covered by our insurance policy.
- There is no liability insurance coverage for an SDYSA member club if any non SDYSA/USYS club or league uses their facility grounds for any unsanctioned SDYSA events (I.e., Leagues, Tournaments, Camps)
If you have questions as to whether or not the event your son or daughter is participating in sanctioned, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the state office (651) 503-8927.